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DIY Wills? Think Twice

Internet offers an abundance of information on virtually every single topic. Estate planning is not the exception. For a few bucks you can buy DIY wills. The process seems simple: You fill in the blanks, follow the instructions and voila! Your Will is done.

However, there are a couple of details that you should not overlook in Florida:

1) There are special rules for the signing of the document,
2) the document must have witnesses and needs to be notarized,
3) if you want to “self-prove” your document (to avoid calling witnesses and notary in the future for purposes of confirming that the Will is authentic), you need to comply with additional formalities,
4) if you are signing a Trust and a “pour-over Will,” the order of the execution of those documents matter. For more information, you may check Section 732.502 and 736.0403, Florida Statutes.

Is it worth risking your plan and your legacy? Is it worth exposing your loved ones to litigation because you used the word “descendants” and not “children” and that substantially changed the meaning of the document?

DIY Wills is not for everyone. If you want to discuss your estate planning goals, contact us at info@coroneldavidlaw.com or at (407) 730-5222.